Movie Misfits
By Rudy Martinez and Charles Meagher
Just a couple of quasi-regular guys with borderline movie addictions, trying to crash the party.
Movie MisfitsNov 27, 2020
Marching On
It may be way too early to talk sequel, but that's exactly what the Misfits do anyway, sharing their favorite movie sequels as a lead in to talking about next steps with the first screenplay, in this final episode to season one of the podcast.
Dec 04, 202028:12
Release the Krakken
The Misfits draw on a favorite movie moment, as well as examples where the critics got it wrong, ahead of discussing the trials and tribulations of sending the first screenplay out into the world, and having feedback returned from screenplay competitions.
Nov 27, 202033:19
Why Ask Why
Notable movies with unanswered questions have the Movie Misfits questioning everything, from what's in the unopened box in Cast Away, to why two guys had the audacity to think they could write screenplays.
Nov 13, 202040:24
It Takes Mistakes
The Movie Misfits share some favorite movie mistakes in a transparent attempt to soften the blow as they then recount the plethora of mistakes they made along their podcasting and screenwriting journey so far.
Nov 06, 202033:30
Sounding Off with Nigel Powell
This episode the Movie Misfits are joined by the loverly Nigel Powell of Sadsong Co. He explains the difference between a score and soundtrack (using really small words for Rudy) and converts us to Tom Cruise fandom!
Oct 16, 202033:33
Running Long - Part 2 with Michael Casey
Part two of our conversation with Magic Michael Casey. He turns the tables on us and asks the questions about writing our first ever screenplay.
Oct 09, 202030:35
Running Long - Part 1 with Michael Casey
Music video director, magician and movie fan Michael Casey joins the misfits to talk movies that could have been cut short, the trials and tribulations of cutting back your own creations and more!
Oct 08, 202026:30
Togetherness with Billy Pettinger
Artist, singer, songwriter, producer (the list goes on) and dear friend, Billy Pettinger joins us for the inaugural episode. Billy shares how she's been bringing people together online to watch movies during the pandemic, and talks creative collaboration with the Misfits.
Oct 08, 202026:57